Lockdowns have been almost lifted in most places and in many places bars and pubs are either open or expected to open. So, many of us are probably looking forward to visiting our favorite haunts in the coming days for having our favorite cocktail.
However, if you would still like to play safe or avoid the disappointment of not getting a seat at your favorite bar due to restrictions of the number of people that can be allowed to be inside at a time, and yet want to enjoy your favorite cocktails that you have been missing for so long – there is help at hand. You can continue to enjoy some of your favorite cocktails.
At home!
Well making cocktails at home is easier than you thought. There are lots of Super cocktails that can be made with simple and easily available ingredients and flavors. A cocktail is something that goes beyond just trying to camouflage the taste of the alcohol. In fact, it actually enhances the taste of the spirit as there are innumerable combinations that can be tried out. A well-presented cocktail is like a main course dish which is nicely plated. Making cocktails is easy but requires a bit of practice. One of the best things about cocktails is that you can experiment- there are no boundaries or limitations.
Essentials of a Good Cocktail
Should look appealing – color, the glass in which it is served, the garnish on top
Balance of flavors – the alcohol, the mixes, sweetness, sourness, bitterness
Blending- the ingredients should be well blended so that no single ingredient overpowers the others
Temperature- Normally served chilled but some are served at room temperature or hot
The taste should be consistent. If you enjoyed a cocktail and want another one of the same, it will be very disappointing if the second one tastes different from the first
Remember to always taste the cocktail before you serve it to check if the ingredients are well blended and balanced.
So, let’s get you started with two very simple easy to make cocktails.
A nice cold refreshing drink in the afternoon or as the sun is getting ready to set. Simple to make requiring no preparation time
What do you need:
Any regular beer
Lime Slices
A Mint Sprig
Take a Beer Glass. Drop a slice or two of lime. Fill 2/3 of the glass with chilled beer. Top it up with chilled Lemonade. Garnish with a leaf or two of mint.
The taste of beer is now mixed with Lemonade and lime and a hint of mint. Served chilled it is a very refreshing drink for a hot day.

Another day time/ early evening cocktail, easy to make and has no preparation time
What do you need:
Lime Cordial
Lime Slices
Take a Whisky glass. Fill ¾ of the glass with ice. Pour 50 ml of Gin and a tablespoon of Lime Cordial. Stir the contents with the stirring spoon and add a slice or two of lime. Add a dash of Soda.

Also Checkout the below articles
- Cocktails At Home By Vicky Kamath – Bar Essentials And Equipment
- Trivikram Kamath – The Banker Bartender | TFN Columnist
- 3 Unique Beer Cocktails In 3 Minutes
- This Black Bean Salad Recipe Will Transport You To Mexico
- 6 Easy and Romantic Valentine’s Day Cocktail Drinks To Toast This Year
Vicky Kamath, the Banker Bartender and now a Columnist with The Foodie Netork!
From financial ratios to alcohol ratios, Vicky’s eye for detail and passion for mixing cocktails has earned him an enviable reputation amongst his friends! Vickey loves music, sports and loves to travel and experience diverse cultures and lifestyles. His TV watching centres around programmes on Science, Human achievements, History, Geography, Travel, and Nature. And food of course!