The fire crackles, Crickets chirp, Marshmallows beg to be roasted to a toasty, golden brown. You may have guessed what we are talking about, maybe not. Said to be a contraction of the words ‘some’ and ‘more’, a S’more is a campfire treat popular in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Known to be first eaten around the campfire at Scout camps as far back as the 1920s, S’mores are made up of Graham crackers sandwiched together with melted chocolate and marshmallows – traditionally melted over the campfire itself! This sweet, warm, gooey, delicious treat is an all-time favorite at fall parties and always leaves kids and adults wanting more so much so that over the years chefs, cafes, restaurants have all come up with various dessert innovations inspired by the flavor of the treat – s’mores cheesecakes, cookies, French toast and even Frappuccino’s. Go on, have s’more…!
To celebrate National S’mores Day today (August 10), here are 5 ways to enjoy the classic flavor:
1. S’mores Pizza: Have a soft spot for pizza and chocolate? Say hello to S’mores Pizza which has the classic s’mores flavor of melted chocolate, graham crackers, and fluffy marshmallows, all melted together into a piece of heaven!

2. S’mores French Toast: Whether you are a kid or adult, just the thought of marshmallows is enough to make you smile. Now imagine having a French Toast breakfast for a weekend breakfast without the need of even a campfire!

3: S’mores Chocolate Pudding: Nothing can go wrong with a graham cracker crust, chocolate pudding, and marshmallow topping! The Chocolate S’mores Pudding Cake is perfect for picnics and parties.

4. S’Mores Parfait: Rich, dark, delicious, and easy to make – this no-bake parfait is one of those guilty pleasures you would want to indulge in as often as you could.

5. S’Mores Frappuccino: A Starbucks fan favorite, the Frappuccino is made with marshmallow-infused whipped cream, milk chocolate sauce, a creamy blend of vanilla, coffee, milk, and ice, and finished off with more marshmallowy whipped cream and a graham cracker crumble.

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